Last November, the Museum of the Bible opened (the books). In April, I spent a weekend in Washington D.C., the city by chance crawling with 2nd Amendment protesters, including innocent tweens with tees emblazoned with “F— the NRA.” How fortunate to have a much more edifying option!
For a nation founded by Puritans, it is long overdue to have a national museum dedicated to understanding the bible’s history and its foundational impact on Western Civilization. The Reformation’s liberation, combined with technology such as the Gutenberg printing press, offered the Word of God at last in vernacular languages to every willing man, no longer under penalty of death for possessing such.
As, in practice, the only religious book currently banned in public school rooms, our societal ignorance of the magnum opus that also made America is astounding. For much of our colonial history and after, along the frontier and elsewhere, this was the one-room schoolhouse’s main textbook, bursting with historical, poetic, theatrical, and didactic books, in Shakespearean English at its apex of clarity and beauty.
Such neglect makes this museum at the geographic and spiritual borderland of the country. Turning our backs to the bible means turning our backs to our history. [please hover over images for captions]
Here is a brief video of what Jordan Peterson learned by visiting the “very cool” Museum of the Bible:
I am confused by what you wrote. The Bible is banned in schools?
Please clarify for me
Hi Andrea, I appreciate your gandering and questioning!
As I wrote, “in practice” the bible is banned in schoolrooms. This is clearly in public schools, and results, unfortunately, from the misguided separation of Church & State polemic. (Jefferson’s letter, in which the phrase is found, was meant to keep State from influencing Church, and not the other way around.) So, while other “religious” books are welcomed and studied as historical documents, the bible rarely is, due, presumably, to Christianity’s once dominating force – making the bible’s study a breach of that fictitious wall. What a massive loss!
I hope this clarifies my position, even if you disagree with it, and appreciate your question.