the glorious south II 2

The return trip after burying the last of my mother’s ashes at the Fort Union Ranch in New Mexico last year was a hoot.

My old college roommate and friend John Arbab hitched a ride with me, as we drove the entirety of the Santa Fe Trail, from Santa Fe to Kansas City, spending the night in Dodge City, KS. Thereafter, I dove back south.

As always, many rewards are found for the roadtripper not in a rush.

Revel here in local history & wax museums, the Oldest Cowboy in Dodge, religious manifestations, the Cosmophere, a bus full of mannequins, and a Futuro UFO house. [please hover over images for captions]

The trip out, titled The Glorious South, is here.

About Ben

Ben Batchelder has traveled some of the world's most remote roads. Nothing in his background, from a degree in Visual & Environmental Studies at Harvard to an MBA from Wharton, adequately prepared him for the experiences. Yet he persists, for through such journeys life unfolds. Having published four books that map the inner and exterior geographies of meaningful travel, he is a mountain man in Minas Gerais, Brazil who comes down to the sea at Miami Beach, Florida. His second travel yarn, To Belém & Back, received a starred review from Publishers Weekly. For more, visit

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